Natural Bodybuilder, Brock Cunico, Speaks With
Brock Cunico is an ABB / Optimum Nutrition sponsored athlete, NPTI Master Personal Trainer and Nutritionist, Apex Fit Pro, Natural Bodybuilder and Professional fitness model. Find out what Brock does to maintain his top level physique.
Brock Cunico is an ABB / Optimum Nutrition sponsored athlete, NPTI Master Personal Trainer and Nutritionist, Apex Fit Pro, Natural Bodybuilder and Professional fitness model. Find out what Brock does to maintain his top level physique.
How did you get started in bodybuilding?
First time I got into weight training was about the age of 15. It was more or less a hobby I picked up from my father, and brother that were into the health and fitness scene. At about the age of 18, I realized the potential I had, as well as the satisfaction I acquired from changing my body and I knew this was something I wanted to incorporate into my everyday life and lifestyle and make it my career.
Over the years of having health and fitness being involved in my life I have become a fitness model published among the pages of many big name magazines and books around the world such as Muscle & Fitness, Reps, Men’s Fitness etc. In this time I was also blessed with a huge opportunity and picked up by Optimum Nutrition and ABB as a sponsored athlete, one of the biggest and best supplement companies in the world! With the accomplishment of my own goals, and working towards new ones each and every day being able to help motivate, inspire, and train others to accomplishing goals that were thought “impossible” or unheard is a great feeling. Life is what you make of it, and for what you do today is your path for tomorrow!
What are your short and long term fitness goals?
Short term goals are to do everything I can each and every day to further more my progression in accomplishing my long term goals. It is the little steps that make the big difference, that often go unseen. Some things take 5 steps, others take 100 steps to be successful at it. All and all I focus my efforts on the positive things around me and as well the people in my life. That being said putting effort into the “good” in life or something that will aid in accomplishing your goals will ultimately make you get one step closer to those goals and succeed. I feel blessed to be where I am at today, and am looking forward to a bright future being able to have health and fitness be part of my life and help others see that they can do the same! Making a change in somebodies life is priceless, and I am inspired to do so by reaching out to everybody interested in that change.
I encourage everybody to check out my website called where you can get involved in my everyday life activities, learn secrets and tips to get better yourself and others around you, and give you the tools such as workouts, meal plans, contest prep and online training to help you accomplish any goals that you may have. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced health enthusiast there will be something for everybody! In the future there will be a members section to where you get instant access on all of my training, nutrition, and supplementation guidance as well as access to HD video updated each week covering workouts, health and fitness topic discussions, and fan based questions with a full message board interactions with access to me directly to be able to further more your health and fitness experience and ease the success of every goal you may have!
What workout routine has worked best for you?
When it comes to working out, I have my workouts split up over a five day period. Focusing on one muscle group each session and really focusing on what the goal is whether it is strength or just toning etc. No real set workout plan, just the body part picked out for the day, with some guidelines I incorporate random exercises each time. If something seems to work well I will focus on that to make progression. If it doesn’t work for me then I won’t do it. The important thing is finding what works for you, and sticking with what makes those results. Change and keeping the body guessing is vital for seeing those new results!
What is your favorite form of cardio for cutting body fat?
I personally don’t do very much cardio while in a cutting phase. When cutting I will throw in cardio maybe three times per week, just walking on a high incline for 30 min or so. I like to rely on my dieting and knowledge with the nutrition aspect. If you have the right science behind your diet, and putting the correct nutrients in your body, then your body will react and change accordingly. Not to mention the cleaner the diet, it is that much less work to do when cutting comes into play. Nutrition will be the number on key when trying to build a lean, healthy physique.
Could you outline your basic daily diet?
My cutting diet vs. my bulking diet is pretty much the same just the amounts are a bit different. 5-7 meals a day that consist of a lot of lean meats, sweet potatoes, brown rice. I will throw in more vegetables when I am cutting. The difference between when I cut and gain is simply how much I eat of those same foods. Overall year round I eat relatively clean and in the end again it makes for a lot less work when it’s time to get ready for something.
What are your favorite pre and post workout meals?
Before workouts I will have a preworkout drink as well as some carbs such as some fruit or oats. Post workout I will also incorporate a protein shake, as well as some simple carbs coming from fruit, rice cakes, and or oatmeal. Using these foods seem to give me great results as well as great energy when I am in for a long workout and looking for good recovery.
What supplements do you take or recommend to others?
The supplements I take are all Optimum Nutrition/ABB products. Even long before I had gotten sponsored I have used products from this company because of the great quality and the large selection it helped me acquire some awesome gains! Currently, on a daily basis, I take ON Opti-Men Multi, ON Fish Oils, ON Pro Complex Gainer, ON Pro Complex, ON Casein, ON Glutamine, ON Creatine, ON BCAA’s, and ON Amino Energy. I recommend others to try some of Optimum Nutrition and ABB products if they want to see some awesome results! These are the best of the best, and each product has its specific purpose and they all do the job to its fullest potential.
Click here to check out all of Optimum Nutrition's product line
What has the biggest impact on muscle growth and recovery?
Biggest impact to me on training and getting into great shape requires a number of factors all combined. Nutrition and supplementation is the staple of getting into great shape, for what you put in your body that will be your base to work from. Having a good healthy base you then will get the best results from your weight training and cardio.
Sleeping is very important as well, as when you sleep your recovering the muscle and your body and actually having the most growth in this time period. I am a firm believer that the correct combination of each will ultimately give the best results. Throwing in dedication, effort, and the drive to do it each and every day to make it all work together will make for great results! It’s like a car, you need gasoline, and oil to make it work correctly. Your body is the same way, having each of the factors mentioned everything will work hand and hand giving you the edge you are looking for.
What is your best motivation to get you in the gym?
Motivation to me comes from what I see around me. The good obviously gets me going such as others that inspire me to work towards my goals, as well as all of the people that support me to do what I do, but the bad things out there also keep me on track. Sometimes the negativity around me in everyday life makes me want to get into the gym and make something of myself while others may be doing things that have the opposite effect.
Working to be a better me day by day and avoiding the negative temptations out there really is what makes me keep on going. People can always have doubt in others, or say things that may knock you down, but the great thing with health and fitness is you’re in control of it. So having that option to make your life what you want, and then succeeding when others put doubt in you is that much more enjoyed each and every time you make some progress!
Any last advice for beginners or anyone looking to get into fitness?
My advice to others trying to accomplish goals no matter what the circumstances would be to never give into failure. Everybody has a choice in some aspect to change something in life to better themselves, big or small it’s the effort put into it to make those things come true. Things in life that are hard to accomplish, are that much more satisfying when you reach that point of success. It may not be overnight, but if you dedicate yourself to a set goal you can accomplish that goal if you give 100% of your efforts to making it happen. Having a goal in your daily plan big or small set as your guideline, and building your lifestyle around that goal is how you will achieve that success!
The sky is the limit, hard work, and dedication will always pay off! So work hard, stay focused, and keep rising to the top of your potential! Anybody in need of guidance, motivation, and help to accomplish health and fitness goals please check out my website I would be happy and take pride in helping each and every person interested in the health and fitness movement to encourage and long, healthy, lifestyle for a better you and your peers!